Text: Birgit Damer
Illustrations: Carole Isler
97 pages, 16,5 x 22 cm, 50 color illustrations, sustainably produced, publication date: November 2022 by Hädecke
€ 18.00 / ISBN 978-3-7750-0403-9ärchen-von-kräutern-und-gewürzen
Simply fabulous
In the fantastic stories, the heroines and heroes succeed in happily surviving their exciting adventures against all adversities and the evil thanks to the right herb. Magical powers surround herbs and spices, which are not only used in the well-known magic potions. Like so many things in traditional fairy tales and legends, there is also a grain of truth in them, which is deepened in the appendix of the book, where commodities and information about the use of the herbs and spices presented are explained.
Tales of Herbs and Spices is the follow-up book to Tales of Stones and Stars – Märchen ston Steinen und Sternen and the second collaboration between Birgit Damer and Carole Isler.